September 26

Data Models

Python’s data model is based on several fundamental concepts, such as objects, attributes, methods, and special methods (also known as “magic” or “dunder” methods). These special methods are defined with double underscores on both sides of the method name, such as __init__, __str__, __add__ etc. They enable objects to emulate built-in Python types or define custom behavior for specific operations.

Here are some key aspects of Python’s data model:

  1. Objects: Everything in Python is an object, including integers, strings, lists, functions, and custom classes. Objects have attributes (variables) and methods (functions) associated with them.
  2. Attributes: Objects have attributes that store information or state. Attributes can be accessed and modified using dot notation. For example, object.attribute retrieves the value of an attribute, and object.attribute = value sets a new value.
  3. Methods: Methods are functions that are associated with objects. They define the behavior and actions that an object can perform. Methods are typically called using dot notation on the object, such as object.method().
  4. Special Methods: Python provides a set of special methods that allow objects to define behavior for built-in operations. These methods are invoked implicitly by Python in response to certain actions. For example, __init__ is the constructor method that initializes an object when it is created.
  5. Operator Overloading: Python’s data model allows for operator overloading by implementing special methods. This enables objects to define custom behavior for operators like +, -, *, /, and more.
  6. Iteration and Iterables: Python supports iteration using the for loop. Objects that support iteration are called iterables. To make an object iterable, you can define the __iter__ method that returns an iterator object.
  7. Context Managers: Context managers allow for resource management using the with statement. By implementing special methods like __enter__ and __exit__, objects can define custom behavior for entering and exiting a context.