April 21

Voice assistant

Last 14 months have been crazy to say the least; the Covid-19 Pandemic has had a deep impact on all our lives. I have seen an interesting trend during this period was the rise of voice assistants, in not only traditional Alexa and Google but external as well. During this period, the biggest trend was interest in automation. I have tried to connect with multiple jobs with voice assistant like

1. Voice assistant with software architecture diagrams as code

Recently I came across a pure diagram as a code module called Diagrams in Python. Using this amazing module, we can create architecture diagrams using Python code. We can use it to build cloud and on premise architecture diagrams. It supports AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, Alibaba Cloud, and Oracle Cloud.

2. Voice assistant deploy code to cloud and run ETL job

Using dask and prefect module, I have created an ETL job and deployed into Saturn Cloud. It has capability to send email after successful deployment and also trigger alert/incident like jira/servicenow if deployment fails.

3. Voice assistant writing meeting notes and send email as an attachment

Sometimes it’s difficult to jot down MOM or people often forget where they have captured the notes. It would be great if notes can automatically be email to us. I have tried using REST API to collect notes and send as an attachment to my inbox.